Predict and Perfect

PreFab is a virtual nanofab designed to add fabrication-awareness to photonic integrated circuit design.

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Available as a Python package

pip install prefab

Primary features

The Virtual Photonics Nanofab

Prediction of fabrication

Anticipate variations to facilitate rapid prototyping and assess performance before fabrication.

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Prediction feature of PreFab software

Correction of fabrication

Automatically optimize designs to ensure fabricated results match your vision, reducing discrepancies.

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Correction feature of PreFab software

Rapid results

Modern cloud GPUs return predictions in seconds.

Certain uncertainty

Quantify and mitigate fabrication-induced stochastic variations.

3D geometries

Predict and compensate for sidewall angle variation.

Fab-specific models

Utilize models specific to your fabrication process.

User interface (API)

Precision Engineering With Python

PreFab Code Snippets

# Run predictions in 4 lines of code (and within seconds)
import prefab as pf

device =, arm_width=60)
model = pf.models["ANT_NanoSOI"]  # <- choose your fab model
prediction = device.predict(model=model)

The core technology

Foundry-specific models

We create virtual models simulating nanofabrication processes from various foundries, each with unique features.


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Precision electron-beam lithography for rapid prototyping in silicon photonics, ensuring minimal variation and vertical sidewalls.


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Advanced, low-loss silicon nitride process utilizing electron-beam lithography, characterized by its angled sidewalls.

DUV SOIComing Soon

High-volume silicon photonics via deep ultraviolet lithography, offering high stability, lower fidelity, and angled sidewalls.

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PreFab(ricate) With Us

Add fabrication-awareness to your designs.